Tvishi is produced using the Racha-Lechkhumi technology adapted to cooler climates. Wine is made with a stop of fermentation without the addition of alcohol, by cooling. In this case, grapes with a high sugar content are not fully fermented, and the wine remains natural.
The wine is characterized by a pale golden color with a greenish tint. A fruity aroma of fresh tropical fruits and citrus fruits with hints of pits. A well-balanced texture harmonizes with a pleasant sweetness, which makes the wine persistent on the palette and a memorable sensation.
Tvishi is produced using the Racha-Lechkhumi technology adapted to cooler climates. Wine is made with a stop of fermentation without the addition of alcohol, by cooling. In this case, grapes with a high sugar content are not fully fermented, and the wine remains natural.
The wine is characterized by a pale golden color with a greenish tint. A fruity aroma of fresh tropical fruits and citrus fruits with hints of pits. A well-balanced texture harmonizes with a pleasant sweetness, which makes the wine persistent on the palette and a memorable sensation.